
Is free auto clicker a virus
Is free auto clicker a virus

is free auto clicker a virus is free auto clicker a virus

Source: C:\Users\u ser\Deskto p\AutoClic ker.exeĬode function: 0_2_00436A DE GetFile Attributes W,FindFirs tFileW,Fin dClose,Ĭode function: 0_2_0044BF 8D _wcscat ,_wsplitp ath,FindFi rstFileW,_ wcscpy,_wc scat,_wcsc at,DeleteF ileW,FindN extFileW,F indClose,F indClose,Ĭode function: 0_2_004521 26 FindFir stFileW,Sl eep,FindNe xtFileW,Fi ndClose,Ĭode function: 0_2_0045C9 99 FindFir stFileW,Fi ndNextFile W,FindClos e,Ĭode function: 0_2_00434B EE FindFir stFileW,Fi ndFirstFil eW,GetFile Attributes W,SetFileA ttributesW ,FindNextF ileW,FindC lose,FindC lose,FindC lose,FindF irstFileW, SetCurrent DirectoryW ,SetCurren tDirectory W,SetCurre ntDirector yW,FindNex tFileW,Fin dClose,Fin dClose,Ĭode function: 0_2_0045DD 7C FindFir stFileW,Fi ndClose,Ĭode function: 0_2_0044BD 29 _wcscat ,_wcscat,_ _wsplitpat h,FindFirs tFileW,Cop yFileW,_wc scpy,_wcsc at,_wcscat ,lstrcmpiW ,DeleteFil eW,MoveFil eW,CopyFil eW,DeleteF ileW,CopyF ileW,FindC lose,MoveF ileW,FindN extFileW,F indClose,Ĭode function: 0_2_00436D 2D FindFir stFileW,Cr eateFileW, SetFileTim e,CloseHan dle,SetFil eTime,Clos eHandle,Ĭode function: 0_2_00442E 1F SetCurr entDirecto ryW,FindFi rstFileW,S etCurrentD irectoryW, FindFirstF ileW,FindN extFileW,F indClose,F indClose,F indClose,F indFirstFi leW,SetCur rentDirect oryW,SetCu rrentDirec toryW,SetC urrentDire ctoryW,Fin dNextFileW ,FindClose ,FindClose ,Ĭode function: 0_2_00475F E5 FindFir stFileW,Fi ndClose,Fi leTimeToLo calFileTim e,FileTime ToLocalFil eTime,File TimeToLoca lFileTime, FileTimeTo SystemTime ,_swprint f,_swprin tf,_swpri ntf,_swpr intf,_swp rintf,_sw printf,_s wprintf,Ĭontains functionality for read data from the clipboardĬode function: 0_2_0046C5 D0 OpenCli pboard,IsC lipboardFo rmatAvaila ble,IsClip boardForma tAvailable ,GetClipbo ardData,Cl oseClipboa rd,Ĭontains functionality to read the clipboard dataĬontains functionality to retrieve information about pressed keystrokesĬode function: 0_2_004563 54 GetCurs orPos,Scre enToClient ,GetAsyncK eyState,Ge tAsyncKeyS tate,GetAs yncKeyStat e,GetWindo wLongW, Contains functionality to enumerate / list files inside a directory

Is free auto clicker a virus